When 65-year-old Thomas Goebel walked into Texas Orthopedics to see Dr. David Savage, he was in excruciating hip pain. A few days earlier, he was aggressively practicing for a national racquetball tournament when he rotated the wrong way and …
Blog & News
What’s the difference between Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow?
Golf is front and center this week with the Dell Technologies Match Play tournament. Along with tennis, it’s one of those sports we are fortunate to be able to play year-round in Central Texas. A common injury that affects both …
Six Tips for Safe Skiing
Skiers and snowboarders heading to the slopes this Spring Break should be aware that most injuries happen in the afternoon when fatigue sets in and your legs are tired from morning runs. Other factors that may lead to an injury …
Texas Orthopedics Celebrates National Athletic Training Month
Our physicians are honored to treat patients every day in all of our clinics. But what we really love is getting out into the Austin community and being a part of the action with our local sports and the arts.…
Selfie and Texting Injuries On the Rise
Serious selfie injury? That might sound far-fetched, but today…it’s really not.
Social media use has skyrocketed in the past several years, and so have injuries related to constant smartphone and tablet use, according to orthopedic specialists.
Some people refer to …
Five Tips for Preventing Pitcher’s Elbow
With baseball season upon us, now is a good time for reminders on how to keep your slugger safe and free from injury.
Overuse injuries are responsible for nearly half of all sports injuries suffered by middle and high school …
Tips to Avoid Gaming Injuries
“Gaming injuries” are a real thing these days due to the repetition of using the same finger, wrist, arm and shoulder muscles over and over at a console or with a joystick. Just like any other competitive sport, overuse injuries …
Cycling and Softer Bones?
Austin is no stranger to competitive cycling. It’s a great whole-body workout and offers numerous cardiovascular benefits. But one thing it doesn’t provide? Better bone health, according to some experts.
A recent study published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise …
Texas Orthopedics Debuts Online Scheduling
It’s the middle of the night and you are navigating your way to the bathroom in the dark when, oops, you accidentally kick the foot of the bed. It hurts! Is it broken? Grab some ice and your laptop and …
The ‘411’ on Most Common Football Injuries
Americans munch on approximately 1.3 billion chicken wings each year during the ‘Big Game,’ according to the National Chicken Council!
Another startling statistic about football as we head towards this weekend’s big match-up is that there are an average …