One patient died today leaving behind a child who’s mother was also killed in the quake. An all too common story. He had a tibia fracture and had been in the hospital when they arrived and developed a clot today and died. All of the team were hit hard by the reality of this.
They have 16 patients currently in hospital and 12 need surgery. Tomorrow will be busy also. One of the patients on the schedule is a ballerina! Dr. Crawford may have to do many of the cases alone while Dr. Goldberg heads to do some negotiations with other facilities to get some patients moved to places that will better serve their needs, freeing up space to bring in more surgical patients.
– adjustment of a ex-fix on a child
Dr. Goldberg asks for prayer for 3 things tonight:
1) more of their medical equipment arrives specifically nails,ex fix’s, and small frag screws
2) strength and energy for the team
3) ability to make good contacts tomorrow to get patients moved to the right places