We have had some cute little babies come through the ER, not so much patients but their mamas. They were tiny little things and our nurses just loved on them. One of the mama’s had the baby at 2 in the morning and had some complications. Paramedic Chuck and Heather transported them to MOH. Heather held the little one was just under 6 pounds.
My little buddy Job wanted me to pick him up, so I did and sang to him. He just laid his head on my chest and rubbed my arm. I just wanted to cry. He is so precious. All of my boys are. They are always helping and getting creative with all the little things that we find in the boxes we have been unloading. Sometimes they get a little crazy and I quickly get into mommy mode, they know that Madam Alicia’s word is the law. They are always asking if they can have something and Elena always defer’s them to Madam Alicia.
Wound Care has been hopping. Today they saw the first skin graft patients done this week and the wounds look great! There is a young guy named Gaby whose wounds on his legs have been active and festering for over eight years. He suffers from sickle cell anemia and is a frequent flyer to MOH. He is a special patient here and holds a little space in everyone’s heart. Today he had skin grafts done to close his wounds and tolerated well! Very exciting news! Please include him in your prayers and hope that the grafts survive.
Let me tell you a little about the ward. They have goats and dogs that frequent the halls almost make their own rounds like our docs. The nurses have found being able to get close to the patient and their families is something special. The families are so much help and care so much about their family member. There are not too many patients in the states whose family empty their bed pans or bathe them. Not only that but they are so greatful for the nurses and constantly dote on them. Again, another example of the gifts we receive.
Dr. Bryan is wonderful and truly has been taking care of us. He makes notes daily and advocates us to the MOH on how our jobs can be more efficient. Towards the end of the working day it looked like it was going to rain. He radioed up to the compound to have someone close our tents so our stuff wounded ruin. How awesome is that?
Again, a great team, a great leader and another great day of work.
Picture 2: A woman was dropped off at the clinic today lethargic and basically unresponsive. We learned that she had just delivered a baby a couple hours before and had been having seizures since the time of delivery. She was eclamptic. We were able to stabilize the woman and she finally woke up although very confused. In the midst of treating her, someone brought a tiny baby into the clinic, handed it to me and told me the baby was hers. I took him to the “ER” room and checked out the baby who was very healthy but weighed only 4 lbs. We ended up transferring mom and baby to General but we loved on the baby a little in the meantime. Here is a picture of Bryan, paramedic, and the brand new baby boy.