-Dr. Crawford and Dr. Hatridge (anesthesia) spent the day in surgery (2 femur fractures where he used retrograde nails and an ex fix on an open tib-fib fracture) while he started the morning helping Dr. Mehta (ER) and Dr. Smith (IM) seeing over 200 patients who had arrived to be seen at the MOH clinic. These patients come in at 7:30 because they want to be first in line because they know that only a certain number can get through the gate, and they waited all day long, no food or water, upwards until 5:30 until we got the last prescriptions out, no complaints to doctors or staff.
-The five physicians and Dr. Cheryl, who is the chief medical officer at MOH, took a car into town and went and had dinner with one of the local orthopedic surgeons. They met with a gentleman named Sandy Marger who is from Austin but he was raised in Haiti. He is coming back to try and help rebuild the country with some friends and had just concluded a meeting with the President of Haiti before meeting our team. The orthopedic surgeon shared with us that he worked for 72 hours straight after the earthquake. His family had no idea if he was dead or alive.
-The six nurses and 2 surgical technicians are organized and doing shift work. Each one of them is assigned nicely. We are served good food. We sleep in tents. Some of us sleep on cots in a little house. The work is hard. It is cool here at night. This is an absolutely amazing place.
Picture #3: Dr. Goldberg meeting with the Chief at the University of Miami tent.
Picture #4: Sharon Depmore, LVN with Texas Orthopedics in front of a Medivac helicopter.